SBDS Seminarians Garner Awards in Graduation Rites

In three separate graduation rites this year (2024), seminarians of St. Benedict Diocesan Seminary, of the Diocese of Libmanan, garnered coveted honors and awards.  On May 17, 2024, Sem. Luke Lawrence Gle, of St. Paschal Baylon Parish, Barcelonita, Cabusao (Camarines Sur) obtained  the Academic Excellence Award (With Honors), at the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary in Naga City.  He was also recognized for the following: Outstanding in Work Immersion, St. Bonaventure Award in English, St. Bonaventure award in Filipino, Bishop Jorge Barlin Award, St. Thomas Aquinas Religious Education Award, Excellence in Oral Comprehensive Examination for Religious Examination (magna cum laude), and Special Recognition Award for representing the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary at the AMA Brains Olympiad 2023 National Elimination Round.

Meanwhile, Sem. John Carlo Sambajon Oco, of St. Rose of Lima Parish, Pasacao (Camarines Sur) also obtained the Academic Excellence Award (With Honors), and recognized for his Outstanding performance in Work Immersion.  Sem. John Audrey Livanxl De La Cruz Bonecile, also of St. Rose of Lima Parish, obtained the grade of Cum Laude in the Oral Examination in Religious Education.  Finally, Sem. Rafael Sarol Nario of St. John Paul II Parish, Casay, Lupi (Camarines Sur) obtained the grade of cum laude in the Oral Examination in Religious Education.

At St. Benedict Diocesan Seminary in San Fernando, On May 23, 2024, three seminarians were awarded certificates for having obtained the grade of magna cum laude in the written comprehensive examination ad investituram: Sem. Luke Lawrence Gle, Sem. Leo Aron Jay Estascion Nieva, Sem. John Audrey Bonecile, and Sem. John Carlo Sambajon Oco.  Three other seminarians obtained the grade of cum laude in the same examination: Sem. Rey Justin Alegre Peña,  Sem. Denver Jake Mendoza Talan, Sem. Rafael Sarol Nario, and Sem. Jorus Contante, a propaedeutic seminarian at St. Joseph the Worker Pre-Seminary.

At Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity College Seminary, seminarians from the Diocese of Libmanan also shone in graduation rites held here on May 29, 2024.  Among the first year philosophers the following obtained first honors: Sem. Ivy James Avenido, Sem. Dave Basallote, Sem. CJ Bersabal, and Sem. Hanz Christian Camara.  Outnumbering the first year honor students, the second year philosophers performed at par, having obtained first honors as well, among whom were: Sem. Gener Aragon, Sem. Jude Balidoy, Sem. Melvin Borbe, Sem. Mark Steven Clave, Sem. Louie Nasayao, Sem. Jericho Nasol, Sem. Julius Noveda, Sem. Leomar Paguio, Sem. Randy Preferosa Jr., Sem. Cokky Quinto, Sem. John Carlo Ralota, Sem. Aldren Revadinera, and Sem. Ariel Vidal.  The lone third year philosopher, Sem. Melvin Guab, also finished the term with first honors.  Among the college students, fourth year philosopher, Sem. John Paul Victoriano, graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Major in Philosophy and obtained the grade of cum laude both in the thesis presentation and defense, and in the oral comprehensive examination in Religious Education.

Together with the senior high school seminarians who were invested with the cassock at St. John the Baptist Parish in San Fernando (Camarines Sur) on May 24, 2024, Sem. Rene Ramos, a graduating student in theology, was awarded a certificate for having completed the four-year basic course in theology granted by the St. Benedict Diocesan Seminary.  He was awarded a medal for academic excellence, with honors in theological studies.

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