Vos estis lux mundi

Highlights of Vos estis:

  1. Vos estis explicitly defines clergy sexual abuse, and terms like “minor”, “vulnerable adults” and “child pornography”.
  2. It stipulates that avoiding or interfering with an investigation is an offense.
  3. Everyone must follow local civil laws regarding the reporting of sexual abuse.
  4. Every diocese must establish an easily accessible system for submitting reports.
  5. The safety, confidentiality and integrity of allegations must be protected.
  6. All clergy and religious are MANDATORY REPORTERS, and are required to provide a detailed report of any offense.
  7. Vos estis encourages all laypersons to report clerical sexual abuse and its cover-up to the competent ecclesiastical authorities.
  8. Any person submitting a report is to be protected from retaliation, discrimination, and an obligation to remain silent.
  9. Church authorities are required to provide support, assistance, and confidentiality to anyone claiming they have been harmed/offended by the clergy.

Cf.: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=vos+estis+lux+mundi%3A+what+does+the+new+law+do

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