CDL’s Positive Marks in CBM Global Partner Assessment Bared

Naga City, 10 July 2024.  In a meeting held at Villa Caceres Hotel, this city, Representatives of CBM Global (Christoffel Blindenmission or Christian Blind Mission) bared to the Staff of CDL (Caritas Diocese of Libmanan), the results of the Partner Assessment it conducted to determine the desirability of CDL as a partner in CBM Global’s mission work.  Founded by the German Pastor Ernst Christoffel in the early 1900’s, CBM Global Disability Inclusion (CBM Global), as it is now called, was established originally as a home in Malatya (Turkey) for people living in extreme poverty.  In recent times, it has evolved into becoming a global force for change, it being an organization whose mission it is to care for people with disabilities and to rehabilitate and educate orphaned children, regardless of religion or nationality.  CBM Global has, therefore, become a pioneer and champion for inclusion.

In fulfilling its mission, CBM Global believes that working with and enabling partner organizations is central to developing appropriate, high quality and sustainable programmes, advocacy engagement and external advisory work. It welcomes a diverse range of partners who not only complement each other’s expertise, but also provide contextual understanding, and open the path to relevant local and international programmatic and advocacy networks and alliances.

In the course of its operations, CDL has sought to become one such partner.  For its part, CBM Global conducts a partner assessment (PA) with organizations with whom it wishes to formally collaborate.  The purpose of the assessment is to: a) Identify strengths and weaknesses in relation to quality, accountability, and good practice standards reflective of minimum standards across the sector and identify steps to address capacity gaps; b) ensure that CBM Global meets due diligence requirements, and c) provide an opportunity for mutual learning and to identify practices that can be shared within CBM Global and with its partners. 

It is on account of this that information about CDL as an organization was examined by CBM Global.  Indicators of CDL’s governance and leadership structure, including CDL’s financial and programmatic section also had to be scrutinized, including its practices within its plan of action.  The results of the assessment were encouraging as among other things CBM Global noted that CDL has a clear and shared understanding of its vision & mission spelled out in a strategic plan; or at least a stated purpose of existence and set of objectives.  Furthermore, CBM Global also noted that CDL is an established and a visible part of the community, that it has strong linkages with other civil society groups and networks, as well as local authorities, and that it is known and respected within the community and amongst its peer organizations.  As regards its finances, CDL was lauded for being an organization that is debt-free, operating as it does with a substantial asset and more importantly, characterized by practices that are transparent and devoid of corruption.  CDL was also cited for its policies in ensuring a safe environment, both for its staff and clients, an environment that is insulated most specially from sexual abuse.

Among the desiderata, however, CBM Global pointed out the need for CDL to review and update its Manual of Operations (MOP) to include new policies.  CDL also needs to implement faithfully its MOP by extending its strategic plan to five years to include a contingency plan in case of disruptions, instead of the three-year plan that is currently in place.  CBM Global also recommended that CDL create a permanent feedback box in communities, and that analysis of the feedback received is to be included in annual reports or report to the donors.  CDL is also to include a policy on equal employment opportunity to all genders and people with disability in the Human Resource manual.

There were some more of such recommendations but overall, CDL fared rather well in the assessment process, thus it may well be on its way to becoming a fully recognized worthy partner of CBM Global in the very near future.

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