Libmanan Clergy Gathered for Five-day Retreat
Priests of the Diocese of Libmanan, forty one of them who were able to be present, gathered at the Mary Help of Christians House of Spirituality in Calaca (Batangas) for their annual retreat last November 6-10, 2023. The retreat facilitator was Fr. René Lagaya, SDB, classmate of Bishop J. Rojas at UST between 1977 and 1982. The retreat consisted of lectiones divinae that pondered on the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Virgin, Spouse, and Mother and paralleled by inputs on Christ’s threefold office (so-called munera) shared by the priests: the munus docendi – the duty to teach, based on Christ’s role as Prophet; the munus sanctificandi – the duty to sanctify, based on Christ’s role as Priest; and the munus regendi – the duty to shepherd, based on Christ’s role as King. Combining profound insights and humour, Fr. Lagaya accompanied the priests in their five-day prayer retreat. While providing an occasion for fraternal fellowship and sharing of experiences, the retreat afforded the priests an opportunity to appreciate their vocation, deepen their commitment and to grow in faith and holiness. The retreat concluded on November 10, 2023, with the priests of the diocese discussing concerns which impact their lives as priests and pastors, and which are going to be reflected in the manual that is currently being formulated in accordance with the diocesan synod resolutions of 2014.