Deacons and Pre-Deacon Gathered for Annual Retreat

Bolo Norte, Sipocot, December 6, 2023.  Following the retreat of the priests at Mary Help of Christians House of Spirituality in Calaca, Batangas, the newly ordained deacons of the diocese and one preparing for the diaconate also withdrew from their assignments for their 3-day annual retreat at the diocesan monastery, Klooster St. Jozef, in Bolo Norte, Sipocot.  The monastery was not easily accessible as rains made the road muddy and unpassable.  But off they all went, eager as they were to have much needed respite in prayer and discernment.  Fr. Marlon Torres, Parish Priest of St. Anthony de Padua Parish, accepted the deacons’ invitation to act as their retreat facilitator.  Fr. Noel Despabiladeras, himself a newly ordained priest and a monk at the Klooster, was only too happy to host the six retreatants.  Bishop J. Rojas celebrated the opening mass with a reflection on the story of the healing of the centurion’s servant by Jesus.  During the agape that followed, Bishop Rojas announced that the retreat was opportune since by January 2024, those who wish to signify their intent to get ordained may do so and express it in writing.  The retreat then offered some more time for reflection on the disposition that any candidate for the holy orders is expected to imbibe at this stage of formation, which the new ratio formationis now calls “vocational synthesis”.  Incidentally, the retreat also offered time for sharing, particularly, on the retreatants’ initial experiences (focusing on their struggles) in the ministry.  The retreat concluded as usual with the eucharistic celebration on December 6, 2023.

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